SPCG offers a variety of consulting services including:
V1. Quick-Turnaround-Style Professional Communications Feedback to assist with wording and current best-practices and
V2. Attendance at relevant conferences / meetings / councils by a representative of the relevant Target Group who can provide live feedback from the perspective of that representative. With enough advanced notice of the topics on the agenda, this representative may be able to provide & present the perspectives of a larger majority of Survivors if there is sufficient time to conduct Focus-Group-Style Feedback on those topics.
V3. Survivor Testimonials (where a member of the Target Group presents their personal story with their personal perspective on one or more of: i) the impact of trauma; ii) how the institution failed (or not); and/or iii) recommendations for prevention and/or support.
These services, always provided by Sexual Trauma Survivors from the relevant Target Group, include:
C1. Survivor-Informed Review of client strategies, plans, & programs
*example 1: Review of training curriculum related to CAF sexual misconduct culture change initiatives.
*example 2: Review of a governance template for a formal peer-support program.
*example 3: Professional review of draft media articles, or other destined-for-publication works.
C2. Ready-to-Launch Services
*The Front Line Workshop: A one-day program that targets core beliefs and preconceptions, pushing boundaries and comfort zones to create the conditions for positive change. Impactful, timely and dynamic, the training challenges each person to examine themselves and emerge a powerful ally, and empathetic supporter. This workshop aims to help participants recognize their subconscious biases, empathize with victims of sexual misconduct, and ultimately leads to the start of the elimination of the root causes of sexual misconduct. It is a dynamic and engaging workshop based on current best practices. It is a certified and proven one-day training program, focused on Victim Support and Identification of the Root Causes that contribute to a Sexualized Culture. This course was designed in cooperation with MVP Strategies’ Violence Prevention Program and the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services (AASAS) First Responder to Sexual Assault Disclosures Program. This course is delivered by qualified instructor-facilitators who are also Military Sexual Trauma Survivors, partnered with uniformed members. The Front Line Workshop is the only survivor created, Veteran-owned proven training course approved/endorsed by the Chief Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC) and the Canadian Armed Forces.