Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group is a service provider of professionally coordinated Uniform Sexual Trauma Survivor Perspectives, Training and Solutions across Canada.
As the decades-long crisis of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) becomes more and more prominent, it is clear there is an erosion of the necessary trust between the organization and its members. In order to be an effective military, we need to know that the CAF "has our six".
Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group started out as a small group of volunteers, all unfortunate experts in uniform sexual trauma, who wanted to help create positive change.
We had the lived experience, and an idea - what is missing from the current uniform approach to managing this insidious issue, and how can we use our suffering to help others?
Sexual misconduct/Harassment/Assault is not a military borne issue, it is a problem in society that is nurtured by a toxic military culture and allowed to flourish. Military training is not enough to address it because the education needs to go deeper. The engagement needs to be human, respectful, safe, and intense. Survivors, once they have progressed far enough in their journey of healing, can help bring a voice and a human side to this issue that is missing from an organizational response by assisting with a workshop through various means.
We can bring the perspective that changes minds, shifts moral compasses, and is proven to be a necessary catalyst to deep introspection, along with a call to action to create a stronger and more inclusive uniform community.
In every External Review, from the Madam Justice Marie Deschamps' Report to the review by The Standing Committee on the Status of Women to the Madam Justice Louise Arbour Report, it was recommended that the Canadian Armed Forces work with survivors towards solutions. Starting in June 2021, we began training groups of approximately 30 class participants at a time, using virtual serials predominantly due to Covid, of all ranks, trades, Regular Force to Reserve Force, Canadian Rangers, and civilians. We discussed, debated, and adjusted to the changing needs and landscape, but always staying true to two goals:
Everyone needs to know how to support someone who is victimized with a survivor-first, trauma-informed approach so so they can start to feel empowered, and begin to heal.
Everyone needs to understand the roots of sexual misconduct, and how to address the early signs, before someone is victimized and how to identify potential perpetrators.
We have trained over 2100 class participants in our Front Line Workshop (Uniformed Services Sexual Trauma First Aid and Intervention), and almost unanimously, the post course survey reviews call for this to be taught across the Canadian Armed Forces.
Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group is offering a proven, survivor-borne training solution to the Canadian Armed Forces and other uniform services, presenting a unique perspective that is needed in this time of crisis.
"Women worldwide ages 15 through 44 are more likely to die or be maimed because of male violence than because of cancer, malaria, war and traffic accidents combined."
- Nicholas D. Kristof
Who is a “Canadian MST Survivor”?
Military Sexual Trauma, or MST, refers to experiences of sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment that a Veteran or Active Service Member experienced during his or her military service. It also refers to civilians who were victims of sexual assault at the hands of a Canadian Armed Forces member. A Canadian Military Sexual Trauma Survivor is a person who experienced Sexual Trauma within one of the following scenarios:
Scenario 1 - A member of the Canadian Armed Forces who suffered Sexual Trauma at the hands of another person (not necessarily another member of the Canadian Armed Forces, but could be) at any location.
Scenario 2 - A member of the public (not necessarily a Department of National Defence employee, but could be, also family members, spouses or others) who experienced Sexual Trauma at the hands of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces at any location.
Survivors have a voice. We have the tools. Together, we can finally bring our military to the potential of the incredible members that serve.
The type of services we are preparing to offer include:
The Front Line Workshop: UNIFORM SEXUAL TRAUMA FIRST AID AND BYSTANDER INTERVENTION course (the only survivor created, Veteran-owned proven training course approved/endorsed by the Chief Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC) and the Canadian Armed Forces) which is a Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) approved Training Workshop with Toolkits for Recognizing the Root Causes of a Sexualized Culture and changing it
Veteran and MST-Survivor Owned and Operated Business
Tailored presentations on our experiences within uniform and our perspective on the scope and solutions for this issue
Consolidated Volunteer Consultation Solutions to address Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Prevention and Support
Contact us for more information on our range of services.
Together, Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group will help enact much needed positive change.
The Road Ahead
SPCG is a business owned and operated by four Canadian female veterans who are survivors of MST. We are proudly supported by other survivors and allies from the military, paramilitary, and corporate culture. As we work towards sustainability, we look forward to being able to help others using their stories and their voices to support themselves and their families, especially those who had their careers cut short by injury due to MST and sanctuary trauma. We will never turn anyone (who comes in good faith) away, but as we are just starting to get going, we ask for patience. Our vision is that although there is no silver bullet, SPCG will be one of the many powerful tools combating the issue of gender violence. This is a time of conflict and unrest, we will strive towards transparency and openness. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please note that we are not a general Peer Support Group however we now offer a private MST Chat space hosted on Discord. Click here to connect. We have compiled a list of resources that may help your current situation if you are looking for Peer Support. If you know a resource that may be helpful, please contact us and we can add it to our Resources page. Please have patience as we build our teams and networking. Thank you for your interest!