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Front-Line Workshop Modular Training - Module Three

Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group (SPCG)  is often approached by individuals and small groups that are interested in our Front-Line Workshop Uniform Sexual Trauma First Aid and Intervention Course, but do not have the time or resources to plan a full 8 hour serial in one day. We have heard you, and we want to let everyone know that we have an exciting new development. We will now be offering our full training program in three hour virtual ‘chunks’. Each chunk is a standalone section, and will provide vital skills and knowledge around the topics of Uniform Sexual Trauma, and Bystander Empowerment. Once purchased you will be sent a variety of dates to choose from to start your training.  On completion of all three modules, all participants will receive a personalized, digital certificate. Prices in Canadian Dollars.

Front-Line Workshop Module 3

SKU: 0003
  • How to affect and lead change using social leverage, Intersectionality 101, using Sacred Spaces, the real 'Locker Room' talk and guilt vs accountability. 

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